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Lactation Support

A lactation professional can support new families and growing babies for many reasons, including:

- Pain while breastfeeding

- Nipple shield 101

- Latching challenges

-Milk supply issues (from low to abundant supply)

-Pathological concerns such as clogged ducts, mastitis, and chronic engorgement

-Support with milk expression and pumping

- Optimal feeding positions

- Support inducing lactation for non-gestational parents

Prenatal Consult

A prenatal consult sets the foundation for a smoother initiation of breastfeeding. This education meeting will help prepare you for what is to come but is also tailored to your specific goals and circumstances. Virtual & In-person options are available.

Postpartum Consult

This in-hospital or in-home visit can be used for both educational and support purposes. We can help support you through the many challenges that may present themselves when breast/chest feeding while also making referrals when appropriate. 

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As a Certified Breastfeeding and Human Milk Educator (BEC-HM), Lauren has had over 200 instructional hours and abides by the the Scope of Professional Practice, as outline by the BAI-Breastfeeding and Human Milk Educator Certifying body:

  • The BEC will have the ability to identify perspectives, values, and expectations about humanmilk feeding and healthy parental lifestyles.

  • The BEC will offer breastfeeding management information, from preconception throughweaning.

  • The BEC will have the capacity to implement an individualized strategy to counseling to supportand assist parents.

  • The BEC will have the ability to use appropriate, effective, and client-centered communicationand active listening skills. They will also have the skills needed to understand different styles of communication.

  • The BEC will have the ability to recognize opportunities to offer information, support, andeducation in the counseling encounter to breastfeeding families, the family group, thecommunity, health care providers, and other supportive health care and community care workers.

  • The BEC will have the skills needed to evaluate physical, nutritional, psychosocialcharacteristics, and the breastfeeding dyad's mental state.

  • The BEC will have the capacity to use reliable tools to evaluate efficient and inefficient breastfeeding and milk transfer.

  • The BEC will have the ability to combine evidence-based methodologies to clinical practice and make individual referrals to appropriate care providers.

  • The BEC will know about local programs for support, policies, and legislation on the state,national, and international levels that promote safeguards and sustains breastfeeding.

  • Offer non-biased focused knowledge, support, reassurance, guidance, referrals, and education totheir communities to include families and professionals.

  • Work to implement culturally appropriate and relevant adult-based education.

  • The BEC will offer culturally competent care and will refer to healthcare professionals when care requires clinical assessment, the need for aprescription, or medical diagnosis.

  • Assist families with understanding their rights according to current healthcare policy and legal statutes.  

  • Advise parents on supporting lactation when separated from their infant, including informationon hand expression and breast pump usage.

  • Offer continual support for families throughout the weaning process and beyond as it concernsbreastfeeding.

  • Educate, support, and offer referrals to clients who need to supplement or find that nursing mustbe ceased due to medical, psychological, or personal motivations

Lauren provides prenatal education for and works closely with the IBCLC's (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) at Little Nursing Company (link: to ensure clients get the best care possible, referring exclusively to LNC for more complex breast/chestfeeding situations that require the scope and expertise of an IBCLC.

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